Photos from Last Week
[NOTE: I wrote this post last week, but it's just now getting posted due to my busy schedule and uncooperative internet connection.]
Just thought I’d post an odd assortment of photos for you today. Last Tuesday [actually, Tuesday before last], when Aaron was in Kitami to take his driving test, I had needed to borrow another car so I could drive to Kamiokoppe. This is my loaner care, believe it or not! I’m not sure why the village has a car like this. It certainly got my students’ attention when I drove up.
Here’s some artwork courtesy of Ridge and Holt. They made the little posters for Mother’s Day. All the kids in the pre-school made similar posters.
Holt's work
Ridge's work
Here is a picture Ridge drew on some cardboard. I’m not sure what inspired him, but I thought it was lovely.
Ridge's , Holt's
A couple of weeks ago, Grandma Otasaka had chatted with Aaron (with our friend Colin’s translating help) about our container garden. She said we could use some of the garden space out behind our houses. Being very excited about this, we jumped on it as soon as we had both time and decent weather. Aaron and Ridge spent the day on Saturday weeding and turning the soil. Then on Sunday, we all went out back and transferred our plants to the garden area. I couldn’t believe how much space we had!
Ridge is working hard – Family shot , Ridge digging
Holt is relaxing in the shade of his umbrella – Working, again, Holt, close-up
The plot after planting – The garden
Keep your fingers crossed for us. We are really hopping to end up with so many tomatoes that we don’t know what to do with them (we planted nine tomato plants).
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