Felkers in Japan

The adventures of Aaron, Michelle, Ridge and Holt during their stint in Japan. Check out what Michelle has to say about her family's time in the small village of Nishiokoppe, on the island of Hokkaido.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Ridge and Holt Go to School!

Friday (April 7th) was the first day that Ridge and Holt both went to school! I don’t know who was more excited: the boys or Aaron. I popped in to see him briefly on Friday and he admitted to actually feeling a little lonely. Remember, he’s been a stay at home dad since Ridge was born over five years ago. Aside from a few months during the summer, Aaron’s been the primary caregiver for a long time. I think he feels a little stunned, now, at having the boys both at school.

Ridge and Holt seem to be handling things fine, though. When Aaron took Holt to school last week, alone, Holt was very unhappy at being left by himself. All along we had been telling Holt that he would be going to school with Ridge. Then Ridge ended up with the Chicken Pox and couldn’t go. It was hard for both Aaron and Holt. It tears your heart out to hear your littlest one screaming for you as you leave. We were reassured each day that he calmed down and played just fine. Still, it was a relief to send them both to school on Friday. The teacher told me that during nap, Ridge and Holt were placed side by side. This was not without problems, though. Apparently, Holt kept insisting that Ridge hold him. Ridge tried, but sometimes Holt is not an easy kid to hold. At one point, Ridge called out in Japanese to his teacher to help him because Holt had fallen asleep on his arm and it was uncomfortable for Ridge’s little arm! Ridge didn’t have any complaints about it, though. I think it makes him feel good to know that he is a source of comfort to his little brother.

Ridge has also been working hard at doing what the other kids do. That means he stays with his class and plays games with them instead of sitting out on the side of the room. I keep telling him that now he is in the big kid class and the little ones look up to them to see what is the right kind of behavior. This seems to really hit home with him. He also reminded me, last night, that I need to chill out, still. We were watching the local T.V. channel, which was showing footage of the pre-school graduation ceremony. I was talking (again – shame on me) about Ridge doing the graduation next year. I should know better – he has a whole year ahead of him! Finally, Ridge said, “Mommy, can we please not talk about this. Because if we talk about it, it just makes me more scared, and that makes me say I’m not going to do that and that just makes you mad and frustrates you.” Well. My son knows me so well. What could I say, other than, “Oh. Okay. That’s true.”


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