Here's just a couple more photos for you. The first one is Ridge and Holt pretending to camp. They are using our futons, the shiki (a mattress that sits on top of the futon), and blankets. Ridge is "reading" to Holt.

The second one takes a bit of explanation. It's not a great shot, but I couldn't resist. Holt, now potty trained, often resists dressing in the morning after he goes potty. Therefore, he is naked. Despite the cold, it's a common occurence in our house right now. The one thing he is wearning is an "oni" mask. Onis are a kind of Japanese spirti/demon. February 4th is Setsubun, a spring-eve festival. I don't know much about it except that people dress as onis and other people throw peanuts at them. I'll write more about it later. Anyway, this is just a shot of Holt goofing around, naked, wearing a demon mask. Personally, I think it's hysterical; it sort of symbolizes the craziness of our home sometimes.
Here's a little link for more about Oni. The English is a little goofy, but understandable.
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