Happy Solstice!

For some time now, Aaron and I have been celebrating the winter solstice. This holiday took on a very important meaning to us when we moved to Juneau and could feel the extreme absence of the sun during winter months. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, and it's passing means the sun will remain in the sky longer and longer each day. For us, that is truly a reason to celebrate! So, I confess that sometimes we take Christmas presents given to the boys and spread them over Solstice and Christmas. It works well to help them to not become overwhelmed with gifts. This way, they take time to explore and enjoy each present over a longer period of time and I think they appreciate their gifts more this way.
So, this morning we woke up with the sun and opened gifts before going to work and school. On Christmas, we will open the remaining gifts, and Santa will of course find his way to Japan despite Ridge's fears that Santa won't be able to speak Japanese. In this picture, the boys are wearing new pajamas made just for them by my Aunt Betty. The movie file I have attached will take some time to download, as it is nearly one minute long. I couldn't resist capturing Ridge's "New Pajamas" song! They are also wearing new bike helmets courtesy of my mother. From what Aaron told me as I was leaving, I fully expect Holt to wear his non-stop, and perhaps he may even try to wear it to bed.
New Pajama song
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