Felkers in Japan

The adventures of Aaron, Michelle, Ridge and Holt during their stint in Japan. Check out what Michelle has to say about her family's time in the small village of Nishiokoppe, on the island of Hokkaido.

Monday, September 26, 2005

A Quick Word on Viewing Photos

I recently discovered that Blogger has a 300MB limit on photos. Since I refuse to make my photos smaller when I take them, I will run into that limit within a few months at the rate I am posting pictures. So, to save space, I am going to begin posting links to most of the pictures I have for viewing. In the text of the post, you will now see links to various photos. When you click on the link, it should take you to that particular picture. To return to the blog, simply click your "back" button on your browser. If you close the window, you will not return to the blog. My photos are large, so they may take a bit of time to load, but this way I can have as many as I want on my dad's sever. Please post a comment if you have any questions or problems viewing the pictures.


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