Map and News about Japan
Just for fun, I added two new links to our menu on the right. One will take you to a page full of different maps of Japan. Nishiokoppe is too small to warrant placement on most maps. Asahikawa is on most, and Nishiokoppe is located about two hours north of here. If you happen across a more detailed map, Okoppe is thirty minutes north of us, and Monbetsu is about fifty minutes north. By the way, my times are based on an average driving time of about 60 to 80 Km per hour (sorry, I'm not going to do the math for you) . The other link will take you to a Japanese news website. Don't worry, it's in English. Most of what is happening in the rest of Japan doesn't really seem to matter here, but I thought some might get a kick out of it. Also, this way my mom can track the typhoon (love ya mom!).
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