Day One of the Trip
Well, we made it the first leg of our trip. This is a photo of us in Anchorage (where we had the opportunity to change terminals with all of our luggage). Tonite finds us in Seoul, Korea, spending the night in an awesome hotel waiting for our next flight. Tomorrow we will leave Seoul around ten, fly to Sapporo, then drive about five hours to Nishiokoppe. Making this trip with two small children is really something else! Nothing builds character like being cooped up on an airplane for eight hours straight with two children under the age of five. I have to say, though, things went smoothly. Learned a few things too, like – if you are flying on an international flight from, say, Juneau, not only can they check all your luggage through (even on the other airline), but they won’t charge you extra for the overweight luggage (international flights allow seventy pounds). That was awesome. Secondly, Korean Airlines is phenomenal! Not only do they charge less for children, but they provide a kid’s inflight meal and a free toy. In fact, they fed us twice, and it was real food. I got a Korean style meal, which came with detailed instructions. I think I ate raw tuna for the first time!
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